Friday, October 14, 2011

Shaft Funk

An update of randomness of sorts:

1. Greg, Locker 29 is running his first EVER half marathon this weekend and has been training wicked hard. So, go wish him luck! Greg, I'll be cheerin' you on from the Butte tomorrow!!!

2. Shamus signed up for his first half for Funderson's Vegas birthday bonanza and he did his first run with the CB Mountain Runners group. One of the ladies that was timing asked if his beard was for real as he came into the finish...he he.

3. Beca and I ran a loop that I've never done and the leaves were just changing. I'm just realizing how long it's been since a real post, sorry friends. The loop, 19 miles, but we questioned if it's actually more around 21, was called Reno, Flag, Bear, Deadman' the time we were running down the last we kind of felt as the trail, aptly named. Here are some photos of our day:

Bombadil and his sister, Scade.  No Natty Bratty because she ate something that made her ill.

The times and the colors, they are a changin'

Our view from the icy creek bath

4.  My sister came to visit from her Idaho home.  It had been over a year since I saw her last and it was BRILLIANT.  I didn't realize how much I needed a sister hug and chat.  We ran together, which I say loosely because she is super fast.  We picked apples, made applesauce, eggplant tapenade and a CRAP ton of sauerkraut.  I didn't get any photos while she was here either...LAME.

5.  Beca and I ran Deer Creek out and back on the perfect day and didn't see ANYONE.  It was actually kind of eerie and we were wondering if the Butte had been taken over by zombies, but all is well.

First lights' rays

The tree tops were aglow 

Electric aspen leaves at Jackson's Wash

6.  We are moving in two weeks and I am realizing, as I do every time we've moved, that we have entirely too much JUNK.

Have a wonderful weekend to you all!

Song of the day - Gramatik ~ Shaft Funk

No words just super awesomeness


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Realms of Gold

Song of the day - Hopewell ~ Realms of Gold

This band is from the town of Hopewell Junction, New York and the lead singer's voice is somewhat reminiscent to me of Jane's Addiction. The Pant's have been BUSY and I will post some fun updates, but I want to read what you all have been up to first.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Big Empty

Song of the day - Stone Temple Pilots ~ Big Empty

This was the first song that I slow-danced with a boy to and I was smitten...with STP not the boy. On a side note, it is SNOWING, white-out conditions outside in the Butte today...what the hug?


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Don't Owe You A Thing

Song of the day - Gary Clark Jr. ~ Don't Owe You a Thing

They compare this fellow to Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughn, and I can see why. Good stuff!


Monday, September 26, 2011

I'm Shipping Up To Boston

Song of the day - Dropkick Murphy's ~ I'm Shipping Up to Boston

I'm not really, but a good Monday tune.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

A little bit o' this...

Song of the day - Nirvana ~ Lithium

I've used Nirvana once before, but heard a piece on NPR this AM about Kurt and just had to share.

Here's a few of the highlights from the Pant's world (party time, excellent):

  • I came home from Funderson and I's Aspen Adventure! and was stoked to tell Shamus about my bear tale, but he says "I got one better for you."  He sure did too, he saw a mountain lion!  A juvenile, it was walking below him on a trail as he was on the road.  He said at first it didn't even notice he was there and then just took off running.  So, what does any self-respecting, hairy mountain man do?  Run after get one more peak of course.  Crazy cat, I tell you what.

  • It was like Christmas this week, our local radio station KBUT was selling their excess CD's, premium $2 and others 4/ $1....holy hannah, I was in hog heaven.

  • My friend, Beca and I had a mini Adventure this past weekend.  I planned out a loop and we started at about 7 am.  It was chilly and the fog was thick.  It stayed long enough that we even got above it:
Midway up Gunsight Pass looking out across the Slate River Valley

Like waves crashing up on shore, looking back towards the Butte

We ran some serious ups and then took a trail that takes off to the West about 3/4 of a mile from the top of the Pass.  I'd never been on this trail and the map said "faint trail."  It was quite faint, possibly nonexistent in places.  I know for my UK friends that's just a walk in the park, but we are spoiled rotten in Colorado : )  It had snowed and that didn't help matters.  So, our feet and the dogs were WET.  We continued to climb in elevation and knew the general direction we should be heading, so onward and upward.  We came to the bowl below Star Pass and the trail vanished like smoke through our bare hands.  So, we determined where the Pass was and just started up the hill(s).  As I am sloooooowwwwly making my way up the hill, my super great brat, Natty, knocked a rock the size of an anvil off the cliff above and slightly to the right of my path up.  Nice Natty, nice. 

The low spot in between the two ridges in the middle of the photo is Star Pass where we crossed.  
 I would have taken a photo at the top of the Pass, but after bush whacking up to the top we looked down at a wicked steep trail covered with 4-6 inches of snow.  We were frozen popsicles  and thought we best get a move on.  Move on we did, partially on my bum, but I have no shame.

Mt. Owen

Beca as we had just found a real trail, WHOOPA!

Hope that you all are having a wonderful week!


Monday, September 19, 2011

We Are Free Now

Song of the day - Enya ~ We Are Free Now

A lovely song
